Bank of America (03.09. - 11.03.2020)
photo work, 2020, 38 x 126 cm
Apple - Mon MAR 16 2020 10-50 AM EST
4.336 confirmed cases US
69 deaths US
In den USA verbreitet sich das neuartige Coronavirus (COVID-19) seit März 2020 in stark wachsendem Maße. Am 10. März ging der Anstieg der Infektionszahlen in ein exponentielles Wachstum über: Waren am 10. März noch 708 Coronavirus-Infektionen in den USA registriert worden, so zählten die US-Behörden bis zum 16. April* bereits mehr als 639.000 Infektionen.
Amazon - Wed APR 15 2020 6-07 PM EST
582.594 confirmed cases US
23.649 deaths US
Remdesivir Wed APR 29 2020 5-11 PM EST
1.012.583 confirmed cases US
58.355 deaths US
1 year performance- Fri MAY 22 2020
1.622.670 confirmed cases US
79.078 deaths US
Thu MAY 28 2020 4-55 PM EST100.442 Deaths
1.699.933 confirmed cases US
100.442 deaths US
last weekend
400.000 deaths worldwide
Bank of America - Thu JUN 11 2020 5-14 PM EST
2.015.214 confirmed cases US
113.561 deaths US
Tue JUN 23 2020 4-58 PM EST
2.347.102 confirmed cases US
121.225 deaths US
Facebook - Fri JUN 26 2020 4-42 PM EST
2.467.837 confirmed cases US
125.039 deaths US
U.S. States Backtrack on Reopening as Coronavirus Cases Climb More than 45,000 new cases were reported Friday, the third daily record in a row.(New York Times)
BABA 3-month performance(full) Fri JUl 03 2020 5:24 PM EST
2.841.124 confirmed cases US
129.689 deaths US
Standard and Poor's 500 index stocks
Fr-JUL-10 until Fr-Jul-17-2020
3.650.962 confirmed cases US
139.302 deaths US
Standard and Poor's 500 index stocks
Mo-JUL-20 until Mo-Jul-27-2020
4.295.629 confirmed cases US
148.056 deaths US
The U.S. passed four million known coronavirus cases on Thursday, the world’s highest number
The numbers of daily hospitalizations and deaths are also rising.